How To Move Through The Messiness Of Transformation
Through diving deep into unconditional Trust
Hello once again, you beautiful being of Love and Light 💜✨
I trust, as always, that this finds you in Divine peace, love, joy, and harmony.
So before we get to the actual post, I just want to say that, except for the final editing of the post, I actually wrote the bulk of it before I wrote my previous post.
But as I think this post so beautifully describes the messiness of transformation and how we can move through it, I thought I’d go ahead and publish this anyway.
Transformation Is Messy
Seeking to express itself in ever greater and grander ways in, as, and through each of us, God is always moving us into expansion.
Pushing us into the unknown, into ever larger spaces to give us room to grow.
These last couple of months, actually it hasn’t even been a couple of months, but only a few weeks, even though I feel as though this has been going on for a long, long time.
Anyway, these last few weeks have been tremendously expansive and transformative for me in terms of how I am moving through life and how I am showing up in life.
Hopefully, by the time this post is posted, I will have already posted a previous post about how I am being pushed and pulled into coming out as a spiritual teacher in a way that I have never come out before.
I have already shared a little bit about the financial transformation that is happening in my life, where a new financial structure or foundation is being put into place.
One that is more based on passive and residual income as opposed to trading time for money, which has been my main foundation for all my life.
And honestly, moving through these two transformational spaces has been a bumpy ride - as most transformational spaces are.
They are messy. They are turbulent. They are unpleasant.
There has been, and there still is, a great number of stories and beliefs that I need to release and let go of.
Stories about myself, and who I am, and what I have to offer, as well as around money, how money is earned, and where it comes from. And many other.
I have been tired. I have felt depleted. I have experienced doubt about how to move forward.
The ego has been screaming and shouting that I am insane and crazy to even think for a second that my life could change.
That publicly claiming to be a Spiritual Teacher is madness and that I am not only fooling myself but that I am bound to lead others astray.
As I announce myself in a greater way and thus will get to touch more people, I will end up getting them hurt and leading them into deep suffering.
“Who am I to think that this, first of all, is even possible, and second of all who am I to think that I have anything to offer”.
These are the kind of stories the ego has been screaming in my mind.
And at the same time, the mind has been incessant and relentless in trying to figure out how to move forward, how to make any of this happen.
Because even though I have had that deep inner knowing (and that is how my intuition speaks to me), that this is something I need to do, that this is the next step for me, the way forward has been anything but unclear to me.
Nothing To Do But To Keep Moving Forward
And so, I am so grateful that I have been through this so many times before. I am so grateful to know that this is only to be expected.
Just like the caterpillar literally needs to dissolve for the butterfly to emerge, and that dissolution is messy as the caterpillar first turns to goo, so is the transformation we need to go through equally messy.
There are all these mental and emotional structures that need to be dissolved for us to allow for the next version and expression of who and what we are to emerge. And this is messy.
Transformation is messy.
I am immensely grateful that I have had that experience before to lean on these last few weeks, or I may not have kept moving forward.
I am grateful to have that deep trust that All is Well, and that Something Wonderful is Happening, even when it feels as though I am dissolving.
Had it not been for that still small voice whispering that everything is as it needs to, and is meant to be - I most likely would not have dared or found the strength to keep moving forward.
And then, a few days ago, actually two days at the time of writing the first draft of this post, something shifted.
I had made the decision to honor this creative space I am moving into by getting out of the house each day.
Both my wife and son are at home all day as they are enrolled in online educational programs.
And I know historically that when I am in “my” creative space, I need to honor that space by giving myself time to be by myself.
And so, at the beginning of last week, I made the choice to leave the house for a few hours every day.
And so, on Friday, as I was sitting with my back against a tree with the beautiful sun warming my face and with the magnificent view of the Atlantic Ocean, I felt at peace in a way I hadn’t for a long, long time.
And the peace I felt and still feel, arose from an inner knowing that something wonderful is happening.
Even though I cannot yet see the wonderfulness that is happening, I feel it. And I feel it deeply.
I now feel it, whereas before, it was more of an intellectual knowing that it was happening.
I feel as though I have now been reconfigured, as though I have been transformed, upleveled in consciousness.
As I was in meditation this morning I even felt as though I was occupying a larger space than before. Like I had expanded.
I have arrived at a higher level of consciousness, and that level has now been stabilized.
Out Of Chaos Coherence Emerges…
Kind of like the butterfly that has to squeeze its way through the cocoon to emerge in the world.
Or like the emerging seedling that needs to push its way through both the actual seed as well as break the surface of the soil - which is sometimes even made of concrete.
I feel higher. I feel as though I have moved into a new home, a more spacious and lofty home.
These last few weeks, I have been moving all of my stuff in, and there were boxes, and furniture everywhere.
And now there is a level of order.
There is congruence. There is coherence. The unpacking is done. The arranging of furniture is over.
And I am left with a level of serenity. A level of harmony that wasn’t here before.
I feel at home in this new space. This is where I now live. It’s like I have arrived.
Once again, I am so glad that I have experienced this before because that allows me to be prepared for what is to come.
I know that the world around me will now begin to shift and move in alignment with this expansion of consciousness.
It will begin to match what I now feel, my newfound level of vibration.
As that beautiful saying goes,
When we raise our vibration and expand our consciousness, the whole Universe rises up to meet us here.
It has to, and it will.
And so people, things, and events will begin to be rearranged to mirror this new and higher level of vibration and consciousness.
This I know.
…Until There Is Chaos Again
And I also know that before I get too comfortable here in my new “home,” God will push me out the door and into the next reconfiguration.
And from experience I know that it will not take long.
Usually, it doesn’t even take long enough for me to catch my breath. For me to make myself at home and comfortable in this new space.
Obviously, this is my perception, but I often feel that Spirit is pushing me forward too fast. Too hard.
In truth though, it is all happening according to a Divine perfect pattern and design.
And maybe, with this in mind, perhaps this time around, I’ll make it a point to enjoy this sense of feeling good more than I have before.
Historically, I have got myself busy moving once I felt that moving is easy and effortless.
Once the momentum has been built, I usually want to ride that tidal wave as fast as I can.
So to get as far as I can.
I am realizing now, as I am writing these words, that this has not been a conscious choice on my part.
But rather it has been the lack of ability to make a conscious choice.
Maybe this time, I can make the conscious choice to come to a stop.
To really revel and celebrate being here without wanting to get somewhere else as quickly as possible.
Knowing myself, I will probably have forgotten about this tomorrow, but just catching this insight is new to me, so who knows?
The Three Pillars Of Trust
All this to say that I love how Spirit moves me and moves through me.
I love how I am being guided, moved, and led in such a beautiful way.
And I love that I, over the years, have cultivated the habit of Listening and Obeying.
That I have learned to tune into that still, small voice that is whispering words of wisdom and guidance.
Sometimes softly, sometimes very loudly.
But I am so grateful that I have learned to listen to it and that I have learned to heed it.
To obey it.
Not question it. Not second guess it.
Not giving too much power to the ego’s attempt to make me see reason, logic, or what is probable and possible.
I was recently asked, and maybe I’ll include that talk in this post, but I was recently asked to do a talk on indecision and procrastination and even more so on how to overcome these.
And what came through in that particular talk was that we first of all need to cultivate a deep and profound unconditional trust in the Allness, Benevolence, and Perfection of Spirit.
These are the Three Pillars of Trust.
We need to trust, even when our eyes do not, even when our eyes cannot see, that God is always good and that whatever is and whatever is happening is just perfect.
That even this messiness, this turbulence, this chaos, is totally working for our Highest Good.
And second of all, we need to learn to listen to and obey that still small voice. However, it speaks to us.
It is the voice of Spirit. It is the voice of our future self.
And it knows where we need to go, when we need to go, and what we need to do to keep allowing for ever greater and grander expressions of ourselves to emerge.
But for all its infinite wisdom, that still small voice will not do us any good unless we choose to listen to it.
Unless we choose to obey it.
To the very best of our ability.
Life Is For Us - Always And Forever
So really what we are being invited to do is to cultivate a profound inner knowing that All is Well.
Life is not always easy. It is not always logical. It doesn’t always make sense.
But nonetheless, it is always for us.
And this still small voice is Life, God, Spirit, the Universe, or whatever, calling, beckoning, nudging us along the path toward our most great, grand, and luminous expression.
With our physical senses, we cannot perceive this path.
But the still small voice - it knows.
It knows.
It knows what our finite minds fail to grasp and comprehend.
And so rather than trusting our physical senses, we are wise to trust that still small voice and give it permission to guide and lead and move us forward.
Life Is For Us - Now, Always, And Forever
Life truly is Good. And Life truly is for us.
Now, Always and Forever.
Even in the midst of this.
Oh, for all the turbulence and messiness of this path, I so love walking it.
I so love being on this magical journey and adventure.
I so love who I and where I am. And I so love who I am becoming.
I so love where I am going.
Thank you, God, for putting me on this beautiful path of eternal expansion and progression.
Thank you, God, that I get to be your humble servant and instrument.
I am so grateful for how much my life has changed and for what my life is increasingly becoming about.
I have a dear friend whom I talk to a couple of times every week, and almost every time we speak, one of us always feels compelled to speak the words:
“God/Life is good”.
And Spirit truly is good.
I am not saying that everything always feels good. But the nature of God is benevolent.
And not only is God benevolent. God is benevolence.
And doing the inner work of trusting that, even when in the midst of turbulence, chaos, and seeming dissolution - that is how we get to move through this messiness -
with a modicum of peace, joy, and harmony.
Because when we know that Life is Good, then rather than the messiness becoming our unfiltered experience, it merely becomes a disturbance on the surface.
And as I, right at this moment, am looking out over the ocean, watching the mighty waves come crashing in, I am reminded that underneath even the most storm-ridden ocean, deep down, there is nothing but peace, tranquility, and serenity.
The same is true for us, if only we can find a way to dive deep into the essence of who and what we are.
Deep down, there is nothing but peace.
All is Well, so Peace Be Still.
As always, thank you so much for joining me. I am grateful that we get to walk this path together, side by side.
If this post resonated with you, I would love to hear from you, so feel free to leave a comment or start a chat.
The Audio track for this post is about cultivating deep and unconditional trust.
As always, I bless, bless, bless your day, and I bless, bless, bless your way, in the absolute knowing that All Is Well ✨ Something Wonderful Is Always Happening ✨ Everything Is Working For Our Highest Good ✨ Perfect Preparation And Unfolding Is Always Happening ✨
Namaste 🙏🏾 💜