"Nature Never Hurries, Yet Everything Gets Accomplished"
The Pillar of Unconditional Trust And Surrender
Blessings, dear travel companion 💜💜
I was having a beautiful and very healing conversation with a dear friend the other day, and in that conversation, she reminded me of a powerful quote that really helped me come back to how I want to and need to move through life:
“Nature never hurries and yet everything is accomplished”
As this blog is all new, and as some of you who are reading this may not know all that much about me, please allow me to quickly share where I am and where I am coming from.
So, about 6 months ago, me and my family; my wife and our two kids, moved from Sweden to Spain. There were multiple reasons for us moving, which I will not go into here, but once we got settled here in Spain, I found myself in a space of non-movement.
Most of my time went toward being there for the kids as our youngest had quite a difficult time adjusting to her new school, and the oldest is more or less being homeschooled, where I am acting as his tutor/mentor.
So all of a sudden I found myself being a stay-at-home dad more than anything else, and between getting our youngest ready for school, taking her to and picking her up from school, and helping our oldest with his school - and then obviously being there for them once school was over, as well as being there for myself, there was not much time over of the day for any creative endeavours.
I am a builder in the sense that I thrive the most when I get to allow for something creative to emerge from within me.
But here I was, month after month, not finding the time or the space to be in that creative space at all.
My vibration was gradually lowered, and I began to experience what I can only describe as signs of depression. It was a very funky experience, and it wasn’t until the kids got on their Christmas breaks a few weeks ago that I really realized what it was that had happened.
Once I had realized why I was feeling so low, drained, and depleted, I also realized that I needed to get back into that creative flow. And I decided to reinchant my “old” supreme intention to be a Greater Teacher & Healer than I have ever imagined.
Now, there are many aspects to this, but to get to the point, I am leaving these out.
So, here I was a couple of weeks ago, suddenly filled with inspiration and joy, now that I was back in the space of expansion and unfolding, and as has always been my way, I began taking big action on the many insights, realizations, openings and ideas that were coming into my awareness.
One of my core beliefs, one that I am still in the process of releasing as it doesn’t serve me, is “If I don’t do it, it is not going to get done”, meaning that I have this sense that it is up to me to make anything and everything happen.
And so, once again, I am finding myself in that beautiful creative space that I so love to be in, but I am also finding myself with the same old sense of urgency. Like, not only are there a million things I need to do, but I need to do them today, or even better, I should have done them yesterday.
And so, a few days I was having this conversation with my friend, and I was sharing that in the wake of this wonderful expansion that is now taking place in my life, I am once again experiencing being tired and exhausted - not from having “nothing” to do, but from having too much to do. Too many things on my to-do list.
Which is when my friend reminded me of this beautiful quote.
“Nature never hurries and yet everything is accomplished”
Now, I absolutely love nature as a teacher, as all the wisdom any of us ever need is beautifully and abundantly revealed and expressed in and through nature.
So if we take a seed, let’s say an appleseed, and if we plant that seed in the ground, that seed does not hurry, or even strive to get anywhere or to become anything in particular.
The seed simply takes its time as it begins to grow its roots and its shoot. There is no urgency, there is no sense of missing out, or not having enough time.
No sense of being overwhelmed over the gazillion things that need to happen for the seed to unfold into an ample apple tree.
But there is an ease and grace to the unfolding. A deep surrender to the Divine design, orchestration and timing of the unfolding.
The seed will begin to grow roots at the perfect time, it will shoot at the perfect time. And the shoot will break the surface at the perfect time for it to do so. It will also grow branches and eventually begin to bear fruit when the time is just right for that.
But at no time is there a sense of stress or hurry where the seed is concerned, and yet, over years that apple seed unfolds into a magnificent and ample apple tree. A tree that can keep growing and unfolding for up to hundreds of years.
But here I am, in the midst of a beautiful leap, both in consciousness and in expression, and rather than enjoying all the magnificent blessings and new opportunities that have literally been pouring into my life these last few weeks, I am stressing about not getting enough done.
I am, we all are, living and moving in a field of infinite possibilities, where there is not only one way forward. You know that old saying “Opportunity knocks but once”, that is not even close to being true.
If we “miss” one opening, another opening will always reveal itself.
I am fully aware of the thoughts in my mind that scream that I need to act now before it is too late. The thoughts that would have me believe that there is someplace else I need to get to, and that I need to get there as fast as possible. The thoughts that ultimately project a sense of lack and separation.
This may have been, and in truth it very much has been, my old ways of doing things. But as I am now being reborn (which actually was one of my personal reasons for wanting to make this move from Sweden to Spain - to reinvent my life), I cannot and will not keep doing the same things over again.
As the very first Principle of Transformation reminds me, If I want anything to change, I need to change. If I want to have a different experience this time around, it means that I need to do things differently.
And how I want to do them is more in collaboration and cooperation with Spirit. Just like nature, that is so steeped in trusting that perfect preparation and unfolding is always happening.
All of nature is so steeped in that unconditional trust and surrender that it never stresses, doubts, or worries. It is just in that beautiful state of trusting that All is Well - regardless of how it may appear to be. Regardless of how it seems.
I want to emulate that. This is one of the lessons I am being invited to learn at this stage of my unfoldment. To so trust the benevolence of Spirit, to so trust that perfect preparation and unfolding is happening that I just go with the flow, and flow with the go without trying to make it happen.
Relaxing, rejoicing and celebrating my way through life more than efforting and stressing.
As this is a new moment, I have the opportunity to do things differently. As I am not bound by my past unless I give it power to bind me, I get to choose to slow down. I get to choose to be more anchored, grounded and centered here in this now moment, than in some future fantasy.
This is what I am being invited into.
All Is Well. Something Wonderful is Always Happening. Everything is Working for My (Our) Highest Good. Perfect Preparation and Unfolding is Always Happening.
I am choosing to Trust that. I am choosing to Live from that. I am choosing to Move from that.
I am choosing it now and I need to continue to consciously and actively choose it - moment by moment, by moment.
It is my intention to learn this lesson now, at this time, because honestly - I am a fed up with the stressing, with the constant pressure I put on myself to make the manifestation happen.
I don’t enjoy it, and it definitely does not serve me or that which is emerging from within me.
All is Well, Now, Always, and Forever.
Until we meet again, as always I bless, bless, bless our days and I bless, bless, bless our ways.
With much love and many blessings,
Namaste 💜🙏🏾